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Available in perfect bound paperback 6″ x 9″ – 374 pages with illustrations.
ISBN: 9781105809743
Also available via Amazon
When I set up this website it was with the aim of sharing material I had come across during research into my family history. In particular I was looking for the origin of the story that in my mother’s family there had been an ‘Indian Princess’.
It may seem a long way from an Indian Princess to Jamaica but the trail that led me there was illuminated by the discovery of a wonderful collection of family letters.
I can now share these and the story of the remarkable Lee family with you. I do hope you enjoy their story as much as I have enjoyed writing about it.
Dear Anne,
I’m very happy to be the first to congratulate you on the book!
And who else could star on the cover but the adorable Frances Lee. I think it is safe to say that legends and tales in the family bring us historians/researchers to the most interesting places. I had never thought to have links to the island of Jamaica, and there it is, and thank heavens you are there with your research material.
By experience I know how fulfilling it can be, to finally see all the work bound together; followed by the inevitable addendi et errati, and the risk of the deep black hole of ‘what now?’ Thankfully you picked a great island with a million research opportunities, do continue, please!
Bonne chance with the book,
Lex van Haart
Thank you, Lex, for your kind words.
It has been a fascinating journey and amazing actually to hold the book in my hands!
I’m not yet certain where next, but I do know I have plenty of material and many more fascinating leads to follow up.
kind regards,
Dear Anne,
Heartiest congratulations, and I am so pleased to know that I’ll soon have all those wonderful stories together in your book! Apart from my Inglis interest in 18th century London and Jamaica, you write so well on such diverse and fascinating topics that I’m sure your book will be sold out and into rushed reprints in a few weeks. You deserve every bit of the success this book is bound to achieve.
Don’t stop blogging!
With very best wishes,
Dear Anne – Having thoroughly enjoyed wandering around your excellent website, which I’m ashamed to say I only discovered a few months ago, I can’t wait to read the book. Your work has provided some fascinating insights into my own Jamaican antecedents, and introduced me to the online Jamaican parish registers: it’s unbeatable as ‘history with a human face’. Please keep it up!
All the best…
Alex Wynter
Congratulations Anne! I have purchased the book and am enjoying how you have combined the historical with the relevant correspondence…..makes for a really captivating read!…..also it is opening up a hitherto little known part of the world. I salute you!
Cheers Bev, New Zealand
Dear Bev,
I’m so glad you are enjoying the book. It was such a surprise for me to discover there was a family connection with Jamaica, and then to find these wonderful letters was more than I could ever have expected.
kind regards,